Sunday, August 7, 2011

well i died...

and went to the hell of no internet for a while. moving sucks and it's complicated and it's awesome and i'm soooo tired. living without adults (lol) is great though. the baby keeps me from sleeping in but i like  doing all my own laundry and loading and unloading the dishwasher and wiping down counter tops and cleaning my own sink. this is a truly stunning apartment and i know that J and I are incredibly lucky to have it... the child is awake... drat

Monday, July 11, 2011

Will I ever learn?

Probably not. You see, there's this brand of egg rolls that do awful, terrible, disgusting things to me, yet I continue to eat them. They ARE delicious but I'm hanging out on the toilet because of them (blogging!!) for the 4th time in the past 2 hours! Clearly they are an addiction I need to break myself of... :(

ignorant ass-crackers

I don't really have a follow up for that. Just something that popped into my head and had to be thrown out there into the teeming mass that is teh interwebs. You kow what's stupid? Organic shit. They make you pay how much extra for all that stuff and the only difference is that less chemicals were used to keep bugs and stuff off of it. And they charge you through the roof anyways! For being lazier about it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

3 months

well that whole streak thing didn't work out to well did it? :S

it's ok :) my boo-boo was 3 months yesterday and he's such a giant little boy! already fits into 6 months things!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

once again sneaking in under the wire late at night...

I know 11:15 isn't all that late to some of you night owls but I have a baby who's up at 5 every morning wanting to nurse. whether or not he goes back to sleep after that hour is always a risk :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Stupid Parents

The house I'm living in right now has a daycare being run out of it and there's this one kid who just doesn't get it at all. He's rather dumb (I'm not being a bitch he really is!) at 18 months he has no vocabulary to speak of and just in general he acts like a 3-month old who can walk. Anyway last week when he came in on Monday his mother said the rash on his legs and the runny nose was allergies. It turned out to be scarlet fever as well as a bad cold. And now this week, my baby's nose is running green. Allergies my fucking ass!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I didn't post yesterday, and that made me feel a little upset. So here I will post every day just because I want to, even if it's barely anything about one little thing that made me mad. For instance yesterday, Vancouver DIDN'T win the Stanley Cup BOOOOOOOOOOOO >.<

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Power-Hungry Maggots

So I'm in a tesnexus chatroom and I was commenting about a bunch of hackers that pissed me off, and I used the word f*****s. The chatroom moderator got faggots instead of fuckers out of that (?) and when I tried to explain he kicked me off. This is stupid, unfair and pissy. I have half a mind to complain, but everybody will just blame me for being angry in the first place. You can't fucking censor the whole goddamn internet and I want to slap you for trying.

Monday, June 13, 2011

My Brother

I mentioned him in my last post. He's 6 years old now and shows all the signs of having Asperger's. My parents are choosing to ignore this for now as they're home-schooling, so it's not causing any outside problems. He is a sweet little boy who is very affectionate, sometimes too much so, and he has no social skills to speak of, not that that's unusual in my family. If something makes him angry he will scream, throw himself to the ground, and kick on my grandmother's door. She lives with my family and when she decides that she wants him out of her room, it almost always sparks a mega-tantrum.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Sister

My little sister is about 2 months old. She was born with 2 holes in her heart and she has Down's Syndrome. She is the youngest of 9 children, of whom I am the oldest. My mother is incapable of properly caring for this little girl... A couple of weeks ago, she had her SECOND bath! I no longer live with my parents otherwise I would made sure she was better taken care of, but I have my own little boy to care for now. His name is James and he's my angel. :) One of my little brothers shows all the signs of Asperger's. He is not being properly cared for either :(
I am currently debating whether or not to call Child Services on my parents.